Plays / Ballet Objavljeno: 5/20/2024



"I have long been interested in the hidden spaces in the depths of the human psyche, the complex states of emotional journeys of these seemingly ordinary people, the psychological motivation of each character, and above all, the pure, powerful, vulnerable, and unpredictable atmosphere," said choreographer and director Valentina Turcu ahead of the ballet's world premiere at the Slovenian National Theatre Maribor.

The world of Emma Bovary is imbued with fake news, false beauty, false relationships, the desire for approval and recognition, and the yearning for attention from people, often equally banal and spiritually empty. Bovary's insatiable desire for love and adventures, her loneliness, unbearable boredom, and self-destructive behavior were fundamental guidelines in Valentina Turcu's artistic exploration, creating a convincing theatrical atmosphere of a new reality in which the iconic literary heroine Emma struggles with the unbearable pressures of society. The passionate and simultaneously poignant choreographic vision of Emma's inner world perfectly matches Chopin's music, which is occasionally complemented by the works of Philip Glass.